Peppers and Anchovies Salad

Peppers and Anchovies Salad

This pepper and anchovy salad is one of the most delicious out there. Salads are an ideal option for these days of intense heat. A bit of joy will come to the table with this colorful plate. To succeed we will mix two star ingredients. The peppers will give us that marked color and flavor that all fish, in this case anchovies, need. The fact of putting fish in the salad is an extra that we cannot miss, a way to eat this ingredient easily. Make a note of how to make a restaurant pepper and anchovy salad.


2 eggs
6 roasted piquillo peppers
1 can of anchovies
2 slices of cheese
3 cloves of garlic
Sal Island

How to make a pepper and anchovy salad

1. This salad is quick and easy to prepare. The hardest part will be getting all the good quality ingredients. Only in this way will we achieve a remarkable final result.

2. We start preparing the raw material, we are going to roast the peppers in the oven. We spread each pepper with oil and put it in a baking dish. Salt to taste and bake at 180º for 25 minutes.

3. When the peppers are ready we will wait for them to cool down to be able to peel them. We are going to clean and cut them into strips of the same size. We can buy them already prepared, but they will not have the same flavor or intensity.

4. We continue with the eggs, we will cook them. When they are ready, after about 15 minutes, we put them directly in cold water so that they can be peeled much better. We will reserve them.

5. Let's add a touch of flavor to this salad. Peel the garlic and cut it into pieces as small as possible. In a frying pan with a drizzle of oil, fry the garlic.

6. Place the peppers cut into strips at the source. On top we place the rolled anchovies and water the whole with the fried garlic and its oil. We grate the eggs or cut them into small pieces.

7. We season to taste and enjoy one of the most incredible recipes that exist. We will only have to try a simple and wonderful salad.

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