Cheese canapé with piquillos, anchovies and olive powder

Cheese canapé with piquillos, anchovies and olive powder

This cheese canapé with piquillos, anchovies and olive powder is a bite in which the freshness of the cheese and the peppers are mixed with the salting of the anchovy and the touch of succulence of the black olive powder. It is perfect to put as an aperitif at elegant Christmas dinners. And, besides, it is done in a jiffy; something very welcome when we are preparing several recipes at the same time, as is often the case at this time.

Step 1: Half an hour before starting to prepare the canapés, put the olives in the microwave at 350w for 30 minutes. After that time, take them out and let them cool. When they are at room temperature, reduce them to powder with a food processor.

Step 2: Peel the pistachios and, with the help of a knife or a food processor, chop them as finely as you can.

Step 3: Put the chopped pistachios, cilantro to taste and the indicated tablespoons of cream cheese in a bowl. Mix everything well with the help of a fork and reserve this pasta cold.

Step 4: Cut the piquillo peppers into strips. Rinse the anchovies and dry them with a kitchen paper so they lose the excess salt.

Step 5: Put a pan to heat with a little oil and place the slices of bread on it to toast them. Flip them to brown on both sides.

Step 6: Take the cheese and pistachio paste out of the fridge and, with the help of a spoon, spread the toasts so that the cream is not flush with the surface of the bread but rather has a little volume. Give generously!

Step 7: Finish by placing a few strips of piquillo pepper on top, some rolled anchovies to give a little volume, the olive powder and, finally, a little chopped fresh parsley. Presentation: Distribute the cheese canapé toasts with piquillo peppers, anchovies and olive powder on a wooden board or a festive tray and serve them freshly made so that the bread does not become too soft.

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